Saturday, January 31, 2015

Girl Most Likely Movie Review

Imogene looking for the perfect life in New York, but no job and no friends perfection is a difficult task.

Imogene sees itself as an innovative, young New Yorker who is the center of life and its affairs are in order. In fact, it was made solely as a playwright and write even at a social gathering, which clearly wrestled as "false" as his friends. When his friend, whom he planned to marry, how suddenly he was doing to make a real drama queen, became apparent suicide. The wake-up call is something slechterr Imogene is still hope and ends at the hospital. Due to the overcrowding of hospital beds, invoked the help of doctors mother Imogene. He lives in New Jersey in a town where everyone knows each other, a place that does not really fit Imogene mundane images.

Women after thirty steered his career in Hollywood Kristen Wiig speak against difficult. In his 39 years, he was busier than ever; five films in 2013 and a series of appearances on television series. Hollywood put Wiig foothold after his role in female counterpart Surf: bridesmaides. Wiig can manage quite well with neurotic characters. Therefore it is not surprising that the girl most likely some similarities here and there in bridesmaides. Besides the cheerful tone of the film is an attempt to cut the heavier themes and there is also no secret that women can sometimes be a little naughty.

Star designation
Ingenia is a first class poser. If Mrs. His sentence was not, he falls unconscious behavior that seems silly car except the viewer. Drawing this character is, of course, not without reason, as they are more valued when Imogene making a change. It's a shame too Wiig theater promises to make impossible Imogene person. An example is the scene in which his daughter Zelda Teams hospital and Imogene accompanied by the music of rock hard, trying to escape while attacking a group of doctors.

strange figure
If the story moves to New Jersey venture Wiig is a more moderate style of play that suits the changing nature of his character. From the childhood home of Imogene is populated by the strangest figure - an autistic brother, a handsome pensioner a rogue CIA agent and, of course, his mother seems popular - always something to do. He soon discovered that the urban perfection Ingenia is a facade and that is not a sin to be a little different, stronger, you become happy. The actors in the supporting roles are perfectly molded and know the story to give it more body. Without them, the story of Imogene composed only of self-pity and tries to satisfy his desire to New York. The hottest story of the film are those of Imogene and a new lover, ten years younger. Wiig and his opponent get very convincing and even a bit sexy.

She seems more likely nowhere in the first fifteen minutes. Wiig is guilty of grotesque act and thus greatly blows all drama. Fortunately, this will change when the opponent traveling to New Jersey. Colorful supporting characters, each with their cheeky arrived on the scene, and therefore the Imogene life is suddenly more interesting than I could ever expect.

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